Gallery Misaligned door Water Damaged trim failing support wall Beam resting on failing wall Failing brick support wall Chimney Flue closed exposed wiring Exposed wiring failing roof sheeting old pipes, signs of rust reverse polarity Nuetral ground not separated Moss build up n roof tiles chimney mortar in need of tuck pointing nail popping roof patching loose rotting window frame Leaking gas line at joint, safety issue Misaligned Latch and strike plate, door not closing properly joist resting on failing support wall Improper Nailing Improper slope, gutters not draining Step Settling, uneven riser Rusted Main supply line fittings Missing Bulb open socket Rotting Porch post Trim Window Well full of debris Incandescent Bulb exposed, Fire safety issue Mising Shingles Missing window well cover Missing Window Well Cover, Safety Hazard Missing Railing/Balusters Safety Hazard Failing Retaining wall, Safety Hazard Raised Blicks along walkway Trip Hazard Loose Safety Cable/Spring safety Hazard section of drywall cutout Missing outlet cover Missing extention Handyman extention cord wiring, Safety Issue Open Junction Box, Live Wires Safety Issue Peeled siding paint Improper door installation Door Draggin on new tile flooring Loose Bricks, safety issue contact with Roofing Chimney Cap Cracked Missing CO and Smoke detectors, Safety Issue Moisture stains Open Junction Box Safety Issue Burned out Main Breaker Safety Issue PRV extension missing Safety Issue Improper Vent Slope Safety Issue Corroded fitting Leaking foundation Frosting on Sheating, Poor Ventilation Reversed Polarity Receptacle Safety Issue On the job A Sign of Trust